They say the fastest way to learn Spanish is to drive down to Mexico. They tell you that you never really know a person until you live with them. And they claim that you’ll learn so much more about yourself after you purchase your first plane ticket to a foreign country.
I think I’ve conquered all three. (Albeit Greek, not Spanish.)
Just the thought of learning another language is mind-boggling. And knowing you’re going to have to live with and adapt to another culture can be a hurdle. But once you buy that plane ticket to a world unknown, your journey will become your greatest, most prized adventure.
Sure, it’s not easy – especially when you don’t speak the native tongue. But I will say one thing: If you ever get the opportunity to immerse yourself into another culture, DO IT! Don’t hesitate and hold back because you’ll miss your family, friends and french fries. Don’t get me wrong, moving away is tough and, depending on the circumstances, can be very hard – emotionally.
But know that there are way better french fries on the other side of the world, and – bottom line – it could potentially be the greatest thing you will ever do for yourself.
So, let’s get to know the Cretans together; since I already boarded the plane and landed in Greece on a one way ticket.

When you arrive in Crete, the islanders are pretty clear about one thing:
Crete is a world apart from the rest of Greece and the Greek Islands.
And I’m not referring to actual distance. Yes, the Cretans are Greek. However, the islanders strictly refer to themselves as Cretans. All in all, there is something about the Cretans that set them apart from the rest of Greece, and you notice it in their food, culture, traditions and lifestyle.

The Cretans are (obviously) islanders. They live by the world-famous “Mediterranean Diet”, drink plenty of Raki (more-so than the stereotypical Ouzo) and they have history dating back beyond the Minoan civilization (c. 2700 – c. 1100 BC)
It is believed that Crete is the birthplace of Zeus, as well as the very island where Cleopatra vacationed.
Crete has a perfectly detailed and extensive history of many different civilizations: (in order) the Mycenaeans (c. 3000 B.C.E.) the Minoans, the Romans, the Byzantine Empire, the Venetians, then the Ottoman Empire and finally the union with Greece in 1989 A.D.
However, before Crete could recover, the Germans invaded for 4 years during WWII. During this time, two very famous battles: the Battle of Crete and Oxi Day occurred. Oxi Day (aka “no” and pronounced “Oh – he”) arose when Greece said Oxi to Italy, declining Italian forces to occupy the island during WWII; thus, resulting a battle between Crete and Italy. Oxi Day is now famously celebrated in Greece on October 28th.
After WWII, Crete stayed united with Greece and was free once again. The island is in pretty much the same shape today as it was long ago: ancient ruins are littered all over the island and WWII ruins are still standing.

Because Crete is where Europe’s very first advanced civilization (Minoan civilization) arose, it’s obvious that this Greek Island breathes a very rich and vibrant history.
Dan and I met Christos, a native-born Cretan.
Christos was the supervisor of the moving company that unpacked all of our belongings into our new home. He is also the owner of a Greek coffee shop that’s only 15 minutes away from our newly-moved-in Cretan home… and if you don’t already know: I drink my fair share of coffee, including having a very special relationship with the Cafe Latte. So I of course wanted to try out his coffee shop.
About a week after the last box was unpacked, Dan and I finally had time for ourselves to hit up Christos’ coffee shop. Once we seated ourselves, he immediately recognized us, sat down at our table and signaled the barista.
“Tha ithela ena cafe latte, parakalo.”
(I would like one cafe latte, please), I asked.
We ate, talked and drank delicious coffee. Well, Dan had a beer… and of course Christos brought out some of his homemade raki.
Christos was telling us about how he was born and raised on Crete: about their way of life as a local including the detailed history of the island dating back to the Minoans and, of course, about his organic self-sustained farm.
He excused himself from the table and immediately came back with a clear plastic soda bottle in his hand, full of clear liquid, and a huge smile. He said that he makes his own organic raki from the leftover grapes after making his own organic wine… and that we could have a bottle on the house.
Legit? Yup! Greek moonshine couldn’t have tasted any better!
An hour had passed and we were about to leave when Christos invited us to join him, his family and friends to visit Tavernas around the island on any Sunday we wanted, since they go every week after church. I’ve been told it’s very rare to get invited out, especially on a Sunday (since Sunday is their worship day). So we of course accepted his offer!
The following Sunday, I called Christos up and asked if we could join whatever they were doing that day. He was happy we took up his offer and asked us to meet him in a wild park next to a lake… somewhere inland of the island.
He briefly explained over the phone how to get to where we needed to go, which was about 25 minutes away from our home… in a new country.
Thank goodness for my amazing navigational skills: we only had one detour, two flip-a-B’s and made it in one piece! Once we arrived in Agia, Christos introduced us to his two children, wife and their friends. It was so gorgeous and peaceful at the park.

We took a walk around the park to the Lake and then we were fed delicious homemade Greek food. Dan and I sat listening to Greek vs. English conversations, but we didn’t feel like outsiders.

His wife (I can’t for the life of me remember how to pronounce her name, let alone try to spell it!) walked me through the fields to pick wild Fennel, Chamomile and two kinds of Lavender – while their kids played ‘football’ (i.e. Soccer). It was a beautiful moment I will never forget.

She showed me the difference between at least 20 different wild organic herbs and what the Cretans use them for. Most looked like basic weeds to the untrained eye; however, they’re definitely not weeds and are widely used in Crete for cooking, drinking, medicinal, therapeutic and aromatic purposes.

It is known that the Cretans can identify over 2000 different types of indigenous wild organic herbs that grow all over Crete. The woman (usually) go into the mountains and grab bunches of herbs, bring them home, and then sort them out on the table.

She showed me the difference of two types of wild lavender and two types of wild white flowers, one being Chamomile! I was warned, though, to not go picking wild herbs alone – because there are some that are extremely poisonous and deadly.

As the afternoon was settling around us, Christos asked us to visit their home one day to put Dan to work on his farm, while I cook dinner in the kitchen with his wife. He was telling us how they make their own organic raki, organic wine, and different types of organic cheese… they have their own livestock, too! I can’t wait for another outing with Christos and his family – and to learn more about their culture and traditions!